Brief description of land use:
01 Community Zone within the Park (33,283 ha); and outside the park; 10 Logging concessions (626,165 ha); 4 Safari Hunting Zones (449; 827 ha); 03 Community Hunting Zones (267,668 ha); 12 Community Forest for IPLC (61221 ha) with 02 specifically for Baka IP (9952 ha).
Restoration priorities
Engage community forests managers and cocoa cooperatives to develop restoration opportunities;
Capitalize on all existing information; WWF-Forest Forward, INFORBIO,FTNS-MINEPDED-GEF 7/8 projects.
Engage with Mouloundou and Salapoumbe communal forests and evaluaterestoration opportunities working with local stakeholders;
Perform an inventory of potential restoration participants; multi-stakeholder platforms,existing groups, Cocoa growers’ cooperatives, REGEFOC (Women’s Network);sensitize and build technical capacity on FLR; develop restoration interventionplans.
Tailor trainingand other capacity building to local organizational needs and buildrelationships with local Sustainable Tree Crops (Cocoa, NTFPs) development andmarketing initiatives; identify gaps and develop relevant action plans;
Support the multi-stakeholder Mambele Convention and lobby for FLR goals and milestones onthe platform’s priorities; addressing shared needs of private sector, councils,communities and Indigenous Peoples;
Explore Sustainable Funding Mechanisms for FLR within the TNS, such as throughEcosystems Services markets;
Ensure FLR is on the agenda in meetings with sectorial partners in Boumba and Ngoko Division(MINFOF, MINEPDED).