It played out before our eyes. 10 or more Seconds of an esoteric encounter between a people’s ICON and a Cabal! The Cabal is on damage control. Will the people press their advantage or let the Cabal regroup?
If you missed this karmic event in Cameroon’s societal fortunes – a historic Clash of the Cameroon Spirit versus the “Haute Instructions” Cabal, caught on video, at the Cameroon Football Federation (FECAFOOT) HQ, featuring Football ICON, Samuel Eto’o Fils, and an emissary of “Haute Instructions”, then you must be living under a rock.
First half: Tsinga, FECAFOOT HQ, Yaoundé, Cameroon.
In this scene captured on video we see, a government representative in an obviously expensive, dark suit. He alights at the FECAFOOT premises, accompanied by the newly appointed Indomitable Lions head Coach, the Belgian, Mr Marc Brys. He bore a message purportedly, “Haute Instructions” from the government to prevent a meeting, pre-planned by the FECAFOOT president, Samuel Eto’o Fils. He is also accompanied by another, obviously more discrete official, who serenely remains in the black, tinted official Jeep, while his emissary delivers the “Haute Instruction” to NOT hold the pre-planned meeting.
The emissary in the most important video clip is allowed into the FECAFOOT premises, fidgeting on his expensive Mobile phone in one hand, and shaking Eto’o’s hand with the other; both men looking each other eye-ball to eye-ball. The emissary delivers his bombshell “Haute Instruction” to Mr Eto’o. Standing straight up, back-bone upright, reminiscent of the confident, alertness with which he delivered goals for Cameroon and his football clubs; and looking the emissary straight in the eyes, the football ICON tells him firmly No!
A heated scene ensures for 8-10 seconds (maybe more); there is crescendo, as both entities test their wills – their Spirits in this most esoteric moment; the emissary, summoning all the “authority” he could muster on the strength of his “Haute Instructions”, commands his oral power raising his voice, to dominate Samuel Eto’o’s spirit and aura; and Samuel Eto’o standing tall and matching the emissary’s tone and spirit; backed by years of struggle, of clean footballing achievement for our Tricolor and “something else within” – so strong, stands his ground that; he is the President of FECAFOOT, within his premises, and thus possess the legitimacy and legality to hold the meeting. He firmly requests the now cowed, uninvited emissary, bearer of “Haute Instructions” to leave his office immediately! This was a spiritual battle for those who can see!
Other minor scenes ensured, such as the encounter with Mr Brys; and the emissary, bearer of “Haute Instructions” being barred from entry. However, these are fall-outs and distractions compared the first-half 8-10 seconds of “Speaking Spiritual Truth to the Cabal’s Power”. Cameroon won!
How will the Cabal perform during the second half?
Cameroon: Africa in Miniature, “Haute Instructions & Task Forces” and the Samuel Eto’o Fils factor
To me, “Africa in miniature”, “le Continent”, « L’impossible n’est pas Camerounais », “understanding Cameroon means you have understood nothing”; are colloquial, but very deep allegories of the Cameroonian species.
Ecologically, Cameroon is a meeting point of two major African ecosystems - the Guinea and the Congolian, of legendary complexity.
Why should this complexity be limited to fauna and flora and not its peoples? How can our population; one tenth that of neighboring Nigeria, boasts an equal number of ethnic groups?
Cameroon is a very complex and diverse country – in peoples, personalities, spirit; talent, foods, attitudes, levels of tolerance, behaviors, perspectives and even systems of governance, etc. As a result, we are truly Africa in miniature; we represent the continent in a single triangle and because of our immense talent and natural resources, we can achieve anything and any feat, if we put our minds to it. Due to our immense complexities, viewpoints, yet ability and resources, numerous phenomena in Cameroon can be inexplicable.
So, we must also believe that, from us too will rise ICONS and talents like Samuel Eto’o Fils. Yes. From our bosom too can emerge an insufferable CABAL. Since 2018, under an ageing President the Cabal has prospered and masterminded an oppressive Administrative-Military complex presenting to an uncritical observer - a façade of Strong Institutions.
As our President inevitably relinquishes control over the State Apparatus through permanent delegation, the Cabal has become pervasive, omnipotent and omnipresent. Through its vast, well-funded Administrative-Military complex the Cabal has consolidated power.
To legitimize and operationalize its roll-out it has created “Haute Instructions and “Task Forces”. Sadly, no enterprise is perfect; inevitable excesses will result to cracks, slip-ups and excesses – such as the “Show-down in Tsinga”. The Cabal is however, hydra-headed and parasitic; so, it will rally to survive, as FECAFOOT and Tsinga is only a skirmish - not the ultimate price.
It takes a conduit like Samuel Eto’o – for the Cameroonian Spirit he embodies, freely given by Cameroonians, to stand up to a Cabal. This is not about Samuel Eto’o Fils; it is the vintage Cameroon spirit – Cameroon’s esoteric combativity embodied by the FECAFOOT president. The first half victory in the Tsinga has been earned by the Cameroonian people. But the Cabal is taking a temporary, strategic retreat and it is regrouping.
Are the Cameroonians awake, ready and able to press their advantage? The Cabal is humiliated, but not defeated. Samuel Eto’o was not aware that the esoteric Gods of Cameroon, this land where nothing is impossible were using him to deal the Cabal a serious blow. So, do not focus on Eto’o, FECAFOOT or Tsinga; there are bigger things happening in the spiritual world. However, if as ordinary mortals we refuse to heed these signs, their opportunity too will be missed.
Will the Cameroon people press their advantage to the second half
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Author: Peter Ngembeni MBILE. Peter is a Cameroonian and holds a PhD in Forest Policy and Economics. He is a Sustainable Development Specialist, a Southern Cameroons History Enthusiast and a Political Commentator.
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