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CAMEROON OBOSSO! The Inconvenient truth: The Southwest Factor

I christen this article the Southwest factor, as I'll focus mainly on the role of the Southwest towards bringing about a different Cameroon. 

Many believe us to be at an impasse; incomplete decolonization, bungled Foumban Accords, Anglophone dissatisfactions, threats of angry speech...

The Political atmosphere is today highly charged. Only deny-ers of important institutional and political issues in Cameroon still believe that the Solution, or even a Solution can only come from rushing to the Polls in any year, just like Senegal - I don't think so, I could be wrong..... 

The outcome of any major Elections at the highest level now, is a forgone conclusion. The alternatives do not offer much that is fresh, innovative, properly thought-through and undramatic. We need fresh ideas, and nonviolent tactics to convincingly implement them.

Many non ruling party, potential voters simply do not bother going to the polls. 

Last I learned, the ruling Party has once managed to rule with only a third of the suffrage! 

Few can imagine, what another 07 years will do to especially the Northwest and the Southwest regions! God Forbid the thought!

Unless we think analytically, the best we can have are harsh words, accusations and counter-accusations, even witch-hunting of unfortunate fellows who become impatient, in-fighting and more of the same symptoms of a bungled decolonization process and signs of pre-mature ageing of an actually very young State.


We can save ourselves all these head aches by seriously considering opting for a serene transitional period; even if this is not officially announced as such.  The best things come to those who wait.

So what can all of us sane, level headed Cameroonian parents that we are, do? 

 1. Understanding the geo-socio politics of Cameroon . The Southwest Card 

Cameroon has been maintained for many decades with a substantial portion of the "slush funding" from the natural resources - especially petroleum from the Southwest region. 

Even today with ad hoc gold, important timber, iron ore and other rare minerals, including natural gas from elsewhere, off shore petroleum exports from South West Cameroon territory is still an important source of political Power. 

Fiscal revenue though substantial is more difficult to hide, manipulate, without serious risk of political uproar and administrative turmoil. So the South West symbolically holds a critical place in Cameroons geo-politics - though perhaps unknown to many.

Politics is about symbolisms. 

The Northern regions are a critical political base of the Powers that be. However, free, fair and transparent Elections is always a nuclear option for many African countries and the Cameroon Powers can also not put all their eggs in the Northern basket - Ahidjo's backyard, given simmering issues surrounding our controversial first Presidents

So another prop is always needed - I think - the Southwest. 

 2. Can the grip-hold on the South West be shaken, Politically ?

First, what's the history of the Southwest's Alliance with the Powers? 

The justifications and memories of a possible VIKUMA: - Victoria - Kumba - Mamfe alliance (kinda today's SWELA) have been refreshed in the minds of the South westerner. ( Ndian was then a part of Kumba Division) 

This memory comes from opponents of JN FONCHA's government of 1959 - 1965. 

Authentic Eye witnesses to this what at its height was referred-to as a "reign of terror" during its time, actually welcomed the CNU National Party of Ahidjo when it came. 

The South West was pushed into the arms of the CNU and later CPDM by some Northwest tribal hegemonic tendencies and their cohorts, in the Southwest. 

In fact the great man Ni John Fru Ndi's rise to power through Multi Party-ism was briefly challenged by Southwest Politicians, to be later caricatured as "DIMABOLA". 

The present Crisis has actually made that alienation by Southwest Politicians worse. 

Many see the "Ambazonian Project" as an Asymmetric Invasion of the Southwest by other Anglophone " Forces", unable to capture and dominate the Southwest politically, now poised to seize the region by force of arms, under the guise of the "Ambazonian Project".

This theory is partly supported by the fact that, one of the biggest perceived enemies of the " boyses in the bushes" are some Southwest Politicians or Elite. Why?

 So, note: the more Anglophone Militancy Antagonizes Southwest Elite and Politicians, the tighter they will cling to the ruling regime, and the harder it becomes to dislodge their support, attachment to the Powers; even at the total detriment of core "Anglophone Issues".

The easiest way to legitimately challenge Powers that depend politically and economically on the Southwest for slush resources and legitimacy, is to make the Southwest know they can survive and thrive without that Power. Its simple mathematics.

Right now they do. 

Even if the "Ambazonia project" were to prevail which is unlikely it will most certainly provoke another huge conflict between Anglophones themselves, more than the current strife has done. 

Message : the Northwest should not use it's numerical superiority as a weapon of politics, or instrument of a Democracy of domination in the Southwest. 

Hard one to swallow, considering many believe Politics or Democracy is about numbers!

 3. Which way forward ? 

Difficult to swallow, but the balance of Power at least as far as Anglophone political issues are concerned rests with the Southwest Politicians, Elite, and how the Northwest decides to use it's numerical power in the Southwest

And the Powers know this. 

And so too do our brothers of the Northwest, hence Hon Osih a roundly qualified private sector mogul and Chief of the Madie village, of Upper Ngolo, Ndian, Southwest region, is at the helm of the SDF Party -  the darling party of the Northwest, seating in Ni John Fru Ndi's coveted chair. 

To get out of the impasse and give notice to all the Powers holding South westerners hostage, we need an Electoral Code which guarantees that Southwest Political leadership, Elite and or Indigenes cannot lose Political control of the Southwest to anyone. 

The Southwest is not interested in controlling any other region: control of their indigenous lands and resources, politically is their prerogative. 

Everyone is free to operate, prosper and grow economically and socially in the Southwest, however, Politically and Culturally the Southwest  wants to be in control of its lands and destiny. 

If that can be achieved, believe me the dominos will fall into place.

 4. Then to solve the Cameroon Anglophone Problem

Once the Southwest Politicians are convinced they do not need a Guardian Angel Party or System to watch over them, they will become very interested in a return to their other aspirations, Foumban Accords: at least a version of Governance which guarantees their self-reliance as a region and their Identity as English language speaking Cameroonians. 

They will become less suspicious Allies to all things Cameroonian and Anglophone, as the term "Anglophone" will no longer be a term many Southwesters actually run away from now - as they see it as a trojan horse to their subjugation; back to JN FONCHA's KNDP of 1959 - 1965. 

The period when some South westerners considered entering into the bushes..... 



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